Poor Support, Poor Programming, serious access issues.
Game on the surface appears ok. However the longer you play the more the serious defects become apparent. App description describes it as optimized for the Iphone5. Not true they have serious connection issues that make play with 4g/LTe impossible. This has been going on for months. You are basically limited to wifi access. The development of your base resources are developed to be extremely time consuming. Ranging at higher levels to weeks and Months unless you buy In game DarkMatter to buy speed ups. PVP contests are launched at weekends. Where players who buy DArkMatter can move planets on top of you and destroy what they can. The entire game premise has gone to encouraging in game purchases without which you are basically a sitting duck. There have been no major fixes for bugs or access issues in months. Support basically says "0h we are sorry about that". I recommend you do not download this game it is a huge Time swallower and unless you are willing to spend $100s on a monthly or greater level you will be hugely disappointed. Once you reach a 40k point score or lvl30 you are free game for players from players 100 times your size.
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